30 June 2007
Remember Lucy Ewe? She's a star!
23 June 2007
On the wheel at the moment
[click photo for big]

And, one other fun thing! One of my Bitch and Bitch group buddies (we are honoring the Stitch and Bitch copyright controversy, and using an alternate term ;), Michelle B., has been making some very fun friends and they are for sale. Here is a peek at Sparkle:

She will have a host of other friends available for you at Festival at Mount Si in North Bend, WA this summer. (August 10-12)
It seemed like a good idea at the time...
18 June 2007
This week: work in progress
The yarn that I overdyed last week (here) did not become a hat as planned, it's now a man-scarf. Beautiful, chunky, rich looking. Yarn on the left of first photo is the overdyed yarn from last week. Yarn on the right of same photo is a Manos yarn of similar weight. Completed scarf, photo on the right. As always, click the photo for big.
Pattern is inspired by Brooklyn Tweed (he's been doing a lot of inspiring lately...) A simple K1,P1 rib with alternating yarn every 2 rows. On second row, slip first and last stitch purlwise. Lays flat, is the same on both sides. Lovely.
A close up of the lovely yarn for all you true fiber junkies:
PS: Confession. The blue yarn (left, first photo) is almost navy with hints of red/purple in it. I used a somewhat lighter picture last week to indicate the colors in the yarn...if you read regularly, the shots above are a better representation of the two colorways in the yarns.
06 June 2007
Roving to Yarn Transformation: I'll Take Two Olives
05 June 2007
First Self Striping Test - did the overdye fix it? Too soon to tell

[click for big]
01 June 2007
Nothing that a little overdye won't fix

[click for big]